What does the future of creativity hold and how do you feel about artificial intelligence being capable of making visionary art? Among all the questions and speculation, There is always a reflection.

The motion animation captures the essence of this vision. Whether it opens a new door of possibilities or becomes a threat to the soul of art?

Metamorph is my university's final major project where I have tried to capture the "Rise Of AI Art" 

"Does it Open the New Door of Possibilities? 
or it becomes a threat to the soul of art? "

‘Metamorph’ the term originally came from the word called “Metamorphosis” which refers to the transformation of change with the process of becoming something different. With the Rise of Artificial Intelligence Art, metamorph techniques have been used to create dynamic visuals and evolving artwork.
Within the deep learning algorithms, data and GAN(generative adversarial artwork), the metamorph technique is linked to creating ever-changing artwork by pushing the traditional art form boundaries.
A transformation of creativity evolves - every day.
Research and pre-development process behind the most challenging yet the most precious project of my life
Mid Development Process
3D Development
Post Production
BTS Breakdown
This project belongs to my life. 

With around 3 months of intense research, development & pre-production to the countless 3D rendering, visual effects, sound mixing, post-production with endless possibilities I can proudly say that, I have created the best animation project of my life so far.

Does it open a new door of possibilities or it becomes the threat to the soul of art?
The question will still remain unanswered….

Credit & Courtesy

A huge thanks to my tutors who helped me a lot to make this project successful.
@hudgda @ahhuddersfield
Stephen Hibbert: @svengps
Patrick McEntaggart: @pmcentaggart

Thanks to @scottylazer for the incredible Voice Narration and bringing Morgan Freeman into life.
Music: Race with No winner by Wilson Trouvé


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