Special Study
Typography is one of most significant part in graphic design. An effective typography has the power to to talk about social causes. Our world is getting developed each and everyday. But we are facing social causes everyday that have an impact on our day to life. Whether it is bringing justice against racism or educating people about race culture, the significance of typography is unmatched. 
Throughout the past, design languages are changing and designers are playing an enormous role. Whether it is a matter of spreading messages or providing a visual solution, design professionals can turn the value tremendously. During all the campaigns so far, to bring justice and raise the voice about social causes design elements is really important.  And in graphic design, one of the most intimated topics is typography. The typographical design has the power to turn a campaign into a successful one.​​​​​​​
To elaborate and exemplify “TypeHyde” in-depth, I drew using typeface and then cut out the letters from it. Initially my idea was to intimate how those typefaces will look in different environments. With my practical composting using cutting letters, I have moved on creating an identity with fonts, logo and colour psychology for my final outcome. 

To finalise the outcome of initial concept campaign previously I made a logo named “TypeHype” which will be demonstrated as my anti-racism concept campaign. Since I’ve used bold typeface and colour, my final concept will be conceptual campaign poster design using mockups and photographs.The purpose of concept campaign and final outcome will be evaluating the efficiency of typography poster and demonstrating how significance is the typography in terms of campaign.For my final outcomes I have come up with 8 concept slogan which will be used on my final typography campaign of “TypeHype”. 
Those are named accordingly - No to racism, every life matters, colours & ethnicity, I matters, speak, beauty beyond, you matter, be educated.
The purpose of my topic is that proposing visual solution within a social cause. 
 I believe a successful visual solution using typography can bring the changes. And as a designer it is the responsibility to raise the voice against social causes.

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